Women in the Fire Service, Inc.
News bulletin/Quarterly Subscription & WFS Membership

Please print out a copy of this form and mail it to us with your membership check. (If you are paying by VISA or MasterCard, you may send the form by fax to 608/233-4879.)

Don't want to wait? us with your name, address, etc. We'll start your subscription to FireWork and WFS Quarterly right away, and send you an invoice.

WFS, Inc.
P.O. Box 5446
Madison WI 53705

 E-mail address:
 Home phone:  Work phone:
 Name of fire agency, if any:
 Rank/job title:
 This is a ___ membership renewal ___ new membership
 Indicate whether:  ___ career  ___ volunteer  ___ other:
 VISA/Mastercard # (if paying by credit card):
 Card expiration date:  Signature:

Annual membership rates (in U.S. dollars)

  Regular membership  $40 ($45 outside the U.S.)
  Supporting membership  $75
  Sustaining membership  $125
  Institutional membership  $50 ($55 outside the U.S.)

Your subscription to both FireWork and WFS Quarterly is included in your membership fee. If your memberships is paid by institutional check (such as by your fire agency), please subscribe at the institutional rate.

About WFS' individual membership levels:

WFS is a non-profit, member-driven organization that attempts to provide high-quality publications and a reliable support and information resource to its members. For that reason, we have several membership levels. The basic membership of $40/year reflects the actual cost of producing our publications as well as a portion of the costs involved in running the organization: staff salaries, rent, equipment purchase and maintenance, etc. Supporting and sustaining memberships more accurately reflect the actual per-member costs of keeping WFS running, as well as making possible the subsidized memberships explained below.

We do not wish to exclude anyone from our resources and services due to financial need. Subsidized memberships are available for those with no, or extremely low, income. These memberships are based on ability to pay, and begin at $15/year. If you are applying for a subsidized membership, please include a note with this form explaining your situation (i.e., student, unemployed, fired from job, etc.)

All prices are quoted in U.S. dollars. If you live in Canada, you may pay in U.S. funds or the Canadian equivalent (if drawn on a U.S. bank); please add US$5.00 to cover postage costs. If you live outside the U.S. and Canada, please pay in U.S. funds and add $5.00 to the above rates.

Please make checks payable to Women in the Fire Service, and mail to us at P.O. Box 5446, Madison WI 53705 xUSA.

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