iGive.com: donating through online shopping


iGive.com is an online service that brings together merchants and customers who would like to support worthy causes. Very simply, every time you shop through iGive.com, a percentage of the purchase price is donated to the charity of your choice. Hundreds of merchants, probably including many you already shop with, are listed a iGive.com, and hundreds of thousands of dollars have already been given to charitable causes.

Signing up is easy. To check it out for yourself, just go to www.iGive.com. Or, better yet, click here to join iGive.com and select Women in the Fire Service as your designated charity. WFS will get a special donation for everyone who joins and shops through this link.

Remember, even after you join iGive.com, you must navigate through their site in order for your charity to benefit: don't just go directly to the merchant's site. (We promise this will make more sense once you've seen the iGive.com website.)

Thanks for your support of WFS!

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