My name is Gretchen Moore. I was lucky enough to have Mindy Ohler as my aunt. She recently died in the line of duty after suffering from head injuries after falling off of the fire truck.

I knew Mindy as my "cool" aunt, the one that taught me how to drive in her Firebird at 15, would go on extravagant shopping sprees just for me, and would plan awesome vacations to Cancun and Hawaii for my entire family. My mom is Mindy's older sister and although they are three years apart they have the exact same birthday, December 10.

I only knew this one side of Mindy. Little did I know until January 8th that she had this whole other family of brothers and sisters throughout her firehouse. The night we flew into San Francisco, a captain of the department. I had no idea until the next day what I was in for. From the moment we stepped off of the elevator, my mom and younger sister (Mindy's godchild) and me, we were greeted by hundreds of firefighters offering their condolences and sharing their memories of her.

My aunt was in the second class of women firefighters in San Francisco. Every single woman that was in her class came to the hospital to offer their support. I never knew how strong of a bond the fire department shared. It truly was remarkable.

You ladies truly are a part of a wonderful organization and will always remain in my heart as well as my aunt, as being just as strong as any man out there. She is my guardian angel and watches over me ever y day. I know she is watching over all of you as well.

Live every day like it's your last. And like my mom used to say to my aunt every time she got off the phone with her..."BEEEEEE CAREFUL!!!"

R.I.P., Mindy, and God Bless.

Gretchen Moore

Mindy Ohler with friends and family in Cancún, Mexico, in September, 2002.
From left to right: Mindy, a friend, Mindy's niece Gretchen, Mindy's sister Joni, and Mindy's niece and godchild, Kelsey.



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