All classes have limited enrollment, so register early.
Registration deadline: September 22, 2006
Many different classes to choose from, varying from 4 hours to 12 hours in length:
Engine Operations
First-In Officer
Vertical Basics
Basic Pumping
SCBA Core Competencies
SCBA Fundamentals and Safety
SCBA Practical Challenges
Auto Extrication
Patient Packaging
The $125 registration fee for the weekend includes lunch and dinner on Saturday. Spread the word to your female co-workers -- let’s get a good turnout of fire service women!
Visit the IFSI website for complete class and registration information
A block of rooms ($70/double) has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, 1001 Kilarney Street, Urbana, Illinois; (217) 328-7900. Mention FSWI when making your reservations.
Child care will be available.
The 12th International Conference of Fire Service Women will be held April 25-29, 2007, in Oakland, California, at the Oakland Marriott City Center. A strong and enthusiastic steering committee has been at work for several months already, setting the planning process in motion. Put the dates on next year's calendar now, because you won't want to miss this one!
If you're interested in being part of the faculty for the conference, please see our Request for Proposals, below.
Request for Proposals
12th International Conference of Fire Service Women
We are inviting proposals for workshops to be presented at the 12th International Conference of Fire Service Women, to be held Oakland, California, April 25-29, 2007. If you are interested in being part of the faculty for this event, please submit a proposal that includes the following information:
--Subject and title of the workshop, and a comprehensive description of its content;
--Explanation of the type of workshop (i.e., lecture, facilitated group discussion, interactive/practical);
--Documentation of your credentials for presenting the workshop;
--Length of workshop session (see options below);
--Description of special equipment or facilities required;
--Maximum number of attendees per session, if limited.
We are looking specifically for high-quality workshops and experienced faculty who will present concrete, usable information and training to women in (or seeking to enter) the structural or wildland fire service. Workshops should fit into a 2-hour or 3-1/2 hour format. (A very few all-day sessions will also be offered.) If selected, you may be asked to present your workshop more than once.
A well-written, comprehensive proposal is more likely to succeed and will help us choose the best possible program for the conference. If you have taught the workshop before, you may submit a videotape of the session or names of references who have taken the workshop as part of your credentials.
Faculty members will receive a complimentary registration to the conference, not including extra items such as banquet tickets. All other expenses, including travel and hotel costs, are the faculty member's responsibility.
To receive full consideration, workshop proposals should be received no later than October 6, 2006. The WFS Board will review the proposals at its fall meeting and select the faculty by late November.
Proposals may be sent by e-mail to or mailed to:
Women in the Fire Service
P.O. Box 5446
Madison, WI 53705
If you have questions about the conference, feel free to call us at 608/233-4768.
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