We can post your job announcement on our website, with a link to your site. The Job Openings page is linked from each issue of our online newsletter, which is posted eight times a year. The cost is $25/month (or portion thereof) for 250 words or less; $40/month for 250-500 words; $10/month additional for each additional 50 words. If you are posting your announcement in WFS Quarterly and on our website, there is a 10% discount to the applicable rates.
Women in the Fire Service accepts announcements from municipalities, fire districts, and other similar entities for fire service job openings. We can publish these in our print publications, which reach approximately 950 individual and insitutional members.
In our quarterly print publication, we list job announcements in one of two ways:
On a space-available basis, we will run a two- or three-line notice of a job opening, along with the agency's name and phone number. There is no charge for this service; however, space is not guaranteed.
Or, we will run your full job announcement at the following rates:
Length | Single insertion | Additional insertions |
Less than 250 words | $50 | $35 |
250-500 words | $85 | $60 |
Contact us for quotes and space availability for longer job announcements. An additional charge will be assessed for photos, logos and other graphics, depending on size and complexity.
Please note that as our print publications come out on a quarterly basis, they will often not be timely for job announcements. When that is the case, we encourage you to use our website for this purpose (see above).
We do not rent out or release our mailing list or e-mail list for any purpose. Contact us for alternative methods of getting your job information directly to our members.
Please call 608/233-4768 with any questions. Material may be faxed to us at 608/233-4879, or e-mailed to us from our Contact Us page.
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